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Community Development
"Community" is more than part of our name...
TLC Community Credit Union believes in the people that we serve and wants to support the community and social efforts that our members participate in. In an effort to manage the many donation and sponsorship requests we receive in a fair and consistent manner, we have developed the guidelines below.
We're looking for opportunities that will:
- Provide appropriate exposure and publicity for TLC
- Improve the quality of life for underserved populations and low to moderate income individuals in areas we serve
- Contribute to the cultural and/or economic development of the community
- Support youth programs, and education efforts
- Show evidence of past financial and program success
No consideration will be given to:
- Organizations/events outside of our service area
- Organizations/events without proper documentation
- Organizations of a controversial nature
- Labor, fraternal or political organizations (unless they meet significant criteria above)
- Organizations wishing to place items in our lobbies for which we have not approved a donation/sponsorship request