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Wamlers Lake

Privacy Policy & Disclosures

All the details

Thank you for your interest in having your account(s) at TLC Community Credit Union. Let us know how we can further assist you in achieving your financial goals.

After you open your account, you will receive the full Membership Agreement & Disclosures, including:
      • Privacy Policy
    • Membership and Account Agreement
    • Funds Availability Policy
    • Electronic Fund Transfers Agreement
    • Truth-in-Savings
    • Fee Schedule

    • Card Control Privacy Policy 
      The Controls & Alerts App periodically collects, transmits, and uses geolocation information to enable features that prevent fraudulent card use and send alerts, but only if the End User expressly authorizes collection of such information. Geolocation information can be monitored on a continuous basis in the background only while the Solution is being used or not at all, depending on the End User’s selection. End Users can change their location permissions at any time in their device settings. 01/07/2021

Important Information about Procedures for Opening or Changing an Account with TLC Community Credit Union

Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT ACT requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account or changes an existing account. This federal requirement applies to all new customers and current customers. This information is used to assist the United States government in the fight against the funding of terrorism and money-laundering activities.
What this means to you: when you open an account or change an existing account, we will ask each person for their name, physical address, mailing address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify them. We will ask to see each person’s driver’s license and other identifying documents and copy or record information from each of them.

Terms of Use

These terms govern the use of this website.  Please read them carefully before accessing the site.  If you do not agree with these terms do not access the website.  By accessing the website or any of its pages you agree to be bound by these terms of use.

This website has been established by the Credit Union for the sole purpose of conveying information about the Credit Union’s products and services and to allow communication between the Credit Union and its customers. Information that appears on this website should be considered an advertisement. Nothing contained in any page on this site takes the place of the Credit Union’s agreements and disclosures that govern its products and services. If any information on the site conflicts with that in the Credit Union’s agreements and disclosures, the agreements and disclosures will control.

The Credit Union uses encryption technology as well as other security features protecting member information throughout the website. Any data collected through secure methods is secure and member account information is kept confidential. However, the Credit Union warns members that regular email is not secure. Members should never include any sensitive information using regular email. TLC provides members with a secure email format located within online banking.

The Credit Union uses cookies to gather data about the usage of our website and to ensure that members have access to their account information. Anytime a cookie is used, personal information is encrypted for TLC use only and is protected from third party access. Not accepting cookies may result in the inability to access certain account information. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

From time to time the Credit Union may place links to other websites on this page. The Credit Union has no control over any other website and is not responsible for the content on any site other than this one. Users assume all responsibility when they go to other sites via the links on this page.

The information and materials contained in this website are owned by the Credit Union or by others, as applicable. No material may be copied, displayed, transmitted, distributed, framed, sold, stored for use, downloaded, or otherwise reproduced except as permitted by law.

The Credit Union makes no warranties of any kind regarding the products and services advertised on this site. The Credit Union will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all information displayed is accurate; however, the Credit Union expressly disclaims any representation and warranty, express and implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, and the ability to use the site without contracting a computer virus.

The Credit Union is not responsible for any loss, damage, expense, or penalty (either in tort, contract, or otherwise), including direct, indirect, consequential and incidental damages, that result from the access of or use of this site.

This limitation includes, but is not limited to the omission of information, the failure of equipment, the delay or inability to receive or transmit information, the delay or inability to print information, the transmission of any computer virus, or the transmission of any other malicious or disabling code or procedure. This limitation applies even if the Credit Union has been informed of the possibility of such loss or damage.

This agreement may be changed from time to time by posting the new Terms of Use on the website. All users agree to be subject to this agreement as it changes from time to time.

This agreement and the use of this website are governed by the laws of the State of Michigan.

We welcome member and non-member participation as a means of sharing experiences, suggesting improvements, and contributing to conversations. We have established terms of use regarding our social media sites to ensure exchanges that are productive, informative, respectful of diverse viewpoints and lawful, we will review all comments and we will not post comments that are, or include:

  • Off Topic - We will exclude comments not related to the subject of the conversation. If you have an idea for a subject, would like to provide feedback, or would like a TLC Community Credit Union employee to follow-up with you, you may email us directly at
  • Spam - Comments focused on selling a product or service, or comments posted for a purpose of driving traffic to a particular website for personal, political, or monetary gain will be excluded.
  • Personal Attacks- If you disagree with the content, we would like to hear from you, but ask that you refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful to others. Malicious intent and/or participation not in the spirit of civil conversation will be excluded.
  • Illegal- Posts must not violate laws that govern use of copyrights, trade secrets, etc.
  • Offensive Language- Comments including, but not limited to, profane or provocative language will be excluded. Comments that contain threatening, hateful, offensive, derogatory, obscene or sexually explicit language will not be tolerated.
  • Private or Confidential Information- Please do not provide any of your specific account details or other personal information when posting comments. If you have immediate service needs, please contact the Credit Union by calling (517) 263-9120 or visit one of our local branches for assistance.
  • Posts in HTML Format (or URLs) will not be accepted . Please only use plain text when submitting your comments.
  • Youth - Posts from Individuals under the Age of 13 will not be accepted.
  • Photos - Posts containing photos will not be accepted unless specifically requested by an authorized TLC Community Credit Union employee for a contest or other business-related purpose. In these instances, pictures will be reviewed and will not be posted or will be removed if deemed inappropriate. All comments are reviewed and approved by TLC Community Credit Union before posting to our social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. Comments are monitored by the public, but not controlled by TLC Community Credit Union. At our sole discretion, TLC Community Credit Union reserves the right to deny the posting of any comment we deem inappropriate.

TLC Community Credit Union does not endorse any comments made by its employees, unless they are an authorized representative of the credit union. All statements and viewpoints expressed in the comments are strictly those of the commenter alone, and do not constitute an official position of TLC Community Credit Union, unless they are posted by the original author (who is an authorized representative of the credit union) or by a subject matter expert responding on behalf of that authorized representative.

TLC Community Credit Union reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) was passed to give parents increased control over what information is collected from their children online and how such information is used. The law applies to websites and services directed to, and which knowingly collect information from, children under the age of 13. TLC Community Credit Union websites and online services are not directed to children under the age of 13, nor is information knowingly collected from them. Click for additional information on COPPA protections.